Contact Me
Just to let you know, I am currently not taking on any new projects. I am still glad to help recommend other services and give advice when I can. (and sometimes a 1 day project to take a break from a month long project, if it seems fun to me, well I may accept.)
The best method to contact me is using the form below, or directly e-mail me. I don’t publish it on the site for bots to grab, but just email Greg @ the domain in the address bar above. (When in doubt, the form … )
I no longer have a “public office” (it is a private room in a client’s office), so you will have to get ahold of me for the address of the actual office location. If you attempt to call me, please know that unless you have a local area code (or one from Central Ohio), I’ll usually let it go to voice mail, as every day I get spam calls. (“We can improve your Google Rankings”…. Pro tip: any SEO company worth anything at all, they don’t need to call you, they are plenty busy on referrals)
So here ya go, my info for you to get in touch with me. (plan up to 2 business days for me to get back to you depending on which way you contact me…)
I am also not interested in any services for obratining more work, more resources or other developers. Do not contact me for that.

Twine Development, LLC
3237 Fishcreek Rd., #258
Stow, Ohio 44224
Twine Development
3732 Fishcreek Rd.
Stow, Ohio 44224
The Form
Where did the contact form go? Well over the past year or so, the only people who use it are spammers wanting to “get me more business” by improving this site. Yeah, I could do that to, by removing the first sentence on this page… LOL So anyhow, use the method mentioned elsewhere on this page to contact me. Thanks.